Tuesday, December 29, 2020

four sightings called out

On the fourth day of Beermas I went and bought for me

Four flying saucers

Three sunny toucans

Two dogs in costume

And a lone eagle flying free 

Yeah, not even an animal this time, but the name is almost perfect.  WTF Is That? you cry out as the UFO streaks across the sky.  And if nobody else sees it, well you're just Chicken Little.  See?  Bird references all over.  This is a NEIPA from Wylie, one of those breweries based in Spain but started by people not from Spain.  If I remember correctly the guy is a Brit, although who knows what he'll be now.

This is about what I saw in my first NEIPA (don't remember the maker, but it was at Craft 19) with that very light yellow and very cloudy appearance.  There's kind of a spicy aroma, and not sweet spices either.  I want to say caraway?  I don't quite know what to make of the flavor, it's sweet and tart and almost bitter.  It's like a natural orange juice, but much easier to drink without all the pulp.  Also, slightly sweetened.  There's also something a little rubbery scooting around when you take a sip, which I just don't know what to blame for.  It's not super noticeable, but with no other distractions it is there.  It makes me think of vehicle parts and rubber bits on camping equipment for the woods where you happen to come across the UFO.  At least it's fitting for this beer in particular.

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