Saturday, December 5, 2020

Door #5

At least it's getting crisp outside, seems more like December.  Of course there's no snow in the forecast, as usual around these parts.  Probably won't be until February at least, and even then it'll be shitty slushy snow, or it will melt before it even hits the ground.  I've seen snowflakes disappear about a foot off the sidewalk before.  At least there will be plenty of snow-capped beers to keep us cool-headed.  The bird on Caleya's Asturies Pale Ale almost made me save it for Beermas, but I have to keep Calenbeer moving too, so I'll figure something else out.  I think I used another beer of theirs anyway last year.

It gives off the slightly orangey ale smell right away, maybe not as tropical as an IPA often is.  It's still quite sweet and fruity in aroma.  The head is a little over-exuberant, very thick and white, and not prone to fizzing away very quickly.  It's a clear sun-yellow, what one might hope to see in a pale ale.  It's not as sweet to the taste as to the nose, but still has a touch of orange to it.  More the pith part than the fruit, though.  Eventually an odd kind of grassy aftertaste starts to build up, but this pale ale is mostly a clean and refreshing sort.  Probably better suited to a summer evening after working out in the fields all day than a quiet December long weekend, it must be said.

I love how the label is all in Asturian.  There isn't even English in case of export, as sometimes you can find.  These kinds of flourishes are things to bring up when discussing culture and beer making/development, wouldn't you say?

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