Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Door #8

Dougall's is a familiar name to me, and I thought maybe maybe this had been a Beermas beer in the past.  It wasn't.  I did have a regular Saturday beer of the same name, but not quite the same style it seems.  It's still in the same family, though, an APA, and with connections to the water.  I wonder if the Manzanares otters are as happy as Happy Otter.  Eh, probably not.

It's a slightly cloudy golden color, with a clean white head.  The head is particularly resistant, floating over the beer like a cloud for minutes on end.  It has the bright aroma of IPAs, very fruity and citrusy.  It's a little more like fruit candy than real fruit, though.  Interestingly, it's much more sour than the scent would lead you to believe.  There's a little touch of fruit in there, but it's a much weightier bitter and wood type flavor than other APAs.  There are background noises of orange candy, but it's mostly a simple and refreshing bitter ale, good for clearing the head after being out on a sunny afternoon...or warming up a little on a windy fall day, I guess.  Despite the sunny appearance, there's a good amount of body to this beer, enough so it stands up to end-of-year sentiments.  It's not just a pretty taste, is what I mean.  Although I always prefer to start with the heavyweights, this is a beer I could end my evening out with, in any season.

This might be a good candidate for an end of cycle tasting.  Hell, there are a thousand good candidates, who am I kidding?  It's going to be a little bit of chance, I'm afraid.

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