Monday, December 31, 2018

heavier than a feather

On the seventh day of Beermas I picked out for me
Hopefully unendangered feathers
A laid out insomniac
One secret promise
A possibly chatty barnyard animal
A random French reference
A bird that's not a pigeon
And a flamingo with mangoes and beets

Man, those relevant dark beers are so few and far between.  I might have to be looking for those all spring to make up for it at this rate.  Not that IPA is a bad choice, especially with Naparbier.  They do some good stuff up there.  While boxing isn't swimming, we can imagine those feathers came from swans.  And then everybody had a swim to cool off after.
This is a beer that just looks like a beer, just that perfect golden color, fizzy white foam on top.  It smells like an IPA for sure, less tangy than Insomnia but definitely citrusy.  While sweet and orangey in taste, there is a little balancing bitter underneath that gives the beer some heft.  It's very easy to drink, although there is a tiny punch of sour at the very end of the sip.  Not dull for sure, but not a show off either.

Supplier: Heneket
Price: ~€4

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