Saturday, December 15, 2018

Dec. 15 - Ureich

Well, it's back to lager, but this is a luxurious lager!  Says so on the can.  There are some nice hops on the side to make you think it's well flavored, but we'll see.  Ureich, you have a challenge ahead of you.
I think it's even weaker in color than yesterday's, again with a resistant head.  Barely any smell, though, just the tiniest hint of bitter and a whisper of pepper.  I swear I think I'm getting pepper.  That would be something of a luxury.  The taste, however, is regular lager, with a big round start that flattens out into a grainy sweetness, and trails off with a dash of bitterness down the throat.  Even flavor from start to finish, a good drinking lager, but the pepper is lacking in the taste, and it's not what I would call luxurious.  A good stout, now that's luxury!  Or even a strong IPA.
Meh, not quite

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