Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Dec. 4 - 5,0

So, I don't think the beers are shoved into the calendar randomly, I hold out hope that the black beers are being worked up to.  Just gotta get through the pilsners in the first few days.  Now I have something from 5,0, which might refer to the alcohol content of all the beers they produce?  The can at least looks like something more special and daring.  It's a "fan edition", in fact.  This is 5,0 Original, as opposed to the Export, which should come up a bit later in the month.
Another transparent, straw colored beer, dammit.  The head also disappears in a flash.  German lager-y aroma, a little sweet grain in there with a background of almost sour.  The taste is a blend of sweet, bitter, and sour, probably mostly sweet.  It's pretty solidly a German blond beer, but it has a little extra something in that sour part, although it still has a candy-like flavor to it.  It's more flavorful than those other pilsners, a little more attention grabbing.  Still a fairly tame beer, got that grainy taste overall, but it's more like what I've become used to and more pleasing to my palate.

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