Friday, June 3, 2016

it begins

This city used to have beer fairs.  A couple of days with a dozen or so breweries in a bar, and that was that for half a year.  Now, we have Craft Beer Week, with almost a hundred stores hosting tastings and special treats.  And that week begins today.  It's Beer Week!  Beeeeeeeeer Weeeeeeeeeeeeek!!
You don't want to know what's in the beer, do you?
Or maybe you already know
Although there are many international features, I like to keep things local.  I had planned on stopping by a neighborhood establishment tonight, but man, the week is long.  And I have a local beer in my fridge, so I don't feel bad about staying home.  It's a good one too, from La Virgen, one of the area originals.  And it's a can I resist?  It's an interesting one, Carajillo Stout, with brandy.  Not brandy barrel aged or anything apparently, but brandy included.
It looks fairly typical of stouts, with the color and the beige head, and the smell isn't all that different either.  There's just the slightest hint of something sweeter than usual.  The flavor isn't strong at first, kind of like a light coffee candy.  It's not too hard on stouty earthy taste, but it does lay down a nice bitterness.  Like may stouts, there's some dark chocolate lurking back there, but a splash of brandy lightens the whole mood.  The balance of tastes remains constant, delicious, and refreshing to the bottom of the glass.  Some liquored up beers end up on the strong side, but Carajillo Stout feels like something for anytime and anywhere.

Supplier: La Buena Pinta
Price: ~€2.70


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Dear CMH,
    Thank you for the picture of your proud delightful hand exhibiting the well-deserved result of once again adequate careful but firm manipulation.
    A devoted follower,
