Thursday, June 30, 2016

another country

Your body waits like a new country
The reaches of its mountains and forests
All there to be explored
But defend your borders wisely
And let nobody intrude
Who does not tread with joy

For you are the keeper of yourself
And the duty of others is to be their own keepers
Not the conquerors or enslavers
Let your stars shine upon those who stand firm in their light
Let your currents flow over those who would be nourished by them
If my vines would choke your trunk
They are not to wind around it
Little leaves flutter in another wind

I would follow my plow over your prairies
My serpents would glide on your ground
Little bees and butterflies would kiss your flowers gently
But only if the gate were open

Your rivers are there to be fished
Your caves to be plumbed
Explorers will come to you
Ask your blessing like of a deity
You may grant and refuse
We little explorers can only request
We can only dream

Guard your borders well
Do not give sanctuary to plunderers
The bounty of yourself IS for joy
And only in joy can it be received
If our rivers could meet
And our grounds mingle
I could offer you my joy and hope to see yours in return
But you are another country
You are far away
And my ship would be lost
If I set sail

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