Saturday, December 18, 2021

slightly constrained

Ok, still no black beer, but there is something different today.  It's La Pirata's Kollektivist, a wild ale.  They credit Russian brewery Bakunin with the inspiration, but it sounds more like a Belgian beer to me. 

Cidery aroma and Halloweeny orange color, but not a lot of head.  Some bubbles to come out, but they fizz away rapidly.  The flavor also recalls cider, with a weird blend of fruity sweetness and woodiness.  It's kind of like a barrel ages cider, I would think.  Although dry, it's a mouthful, very present, perhaps thankfully without a lot of aftertaste.  The sour end of the taste grows in strength giving the beer a more Belgian profile.  It's a different kind of beer, and it's always good to try new things, just in case, but it's not a beer I would seek out for myself again. 

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