Saturday, December 10, 2022

the shining

Oh well, back to pale ales I guess.  It's not a familiar beer, Hoppit, but given the quality so far I don't think I have anything to worry about.  I feel like Ben Plantada American Pale Ale has some double meanings it might or might not want to share.

It is the very picture of it's style - clear golden color, almost whipped cream head, maybe slightly more citrus than necessary in the aroma, but it's fitting for an APA.  The flavor is surprisingly heavy, with a big load of mandarin.  It's not sugary sweet, but there is a good amount of fruit.  It's a pretty big feeling beer, a lot of sun and a lot of brightness emanating from it.  Despite the weight it isn't heavy-handed, just firm, a real pick-me-up kind of beer.  It's not demanding but good back-up.  On a rainy December night, it really lights up a room or conversation.  Well done, or should I say well planted?

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