Wednesday, August 23, 2017

funny secrets

There's a beer store hiding near Atocha that's been there for years, and I never knew until just recently.  Always surprises.  Be Hoppy has "special beers" and they sure are priced like they're special.  Very appetizing names and ingredients, but a little pricey for my summer pockets.  There are more regular bottles and prices too, so all is well.  They wrap multiple bottles so they don't clink around in the bag, which is a nice touch.  First, I have La Pirata Purple Secret, a session IPA.  I'm amused by the story on the side, and we'll see if it actually is died purple.
It's not purple.  I'm a little disappointed.  It has a clear citrus smell, but an odd green color.  If the head didn't die down so quickly I'd worry there was some dish soap left in the glass.  The beer has a light grapefruit bitterness, like a grapefruit soda, not heavy like most IPAs; it is a session after all.   There's some hops lurking in the bottom, ready to perform a little chemistry, mixing with green beer to make something...well, almost purple.  It's alarmingly sludgy in appearance, but there's no overwhelming attack of hops bitterness.  I think it mostly settles pretty quickly.  It's a nice light beer, nothing frightening, except for the sludgy color, but I would go for something heavier if it were up to me, as a woman in craft beer.  Craft beer drinking, anyway.
Yeah, not quite purple

Supplier: Be Hoppy
Price: ~€3.50

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