Friday, May 31, 2013

and an orange on top

I'm wary of orange-flavored things; I'm not a fan of orange candy or ice cream, and that weird orange milk blended drink they sell makes me wrinkle my nose in disgust.  And chocolate covered orange?  Repulsive!  Still, oranges themselves are great, and orange juice, and orange soda strangely enough.  I also feel I should try new things, so I decided to risk this:

I assumed it would be something like Belgian fruit beers, which are nice to have every once in a while. However, at the beer fair I spoke to somebody from the brewery and he explained that this beer is made with orange zest instead of hops.  Now that I was not expecting.  Makes it more appetizing, in fact.

So, it's not particularly orangey in smell.  It pours out foamy and fizzy, maybe a slight orange tinge to the color?  It definitely has a different taste, although I might not identify it as orange right away since it's not sickly sweet like orange flavoring.  The beer has come out bitter, but sweet undertones, like eating a pithy orange, or even something like a more liquidy Orange Julius.  It isn't completely filtered so there are some shreds of something in the bottom, and the beer is cloudy.  In fact, in inside light it could almost pass for orange juice, except for the head.
Yeah, just some juice here...

Thus ends my beer weeks.  I have a few waiting for the weekend reviews, but this every day posting stuff won't be happening for a while...

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