Saturday, February 22, 2020

kinda late

I stopped in at Cervecissimus for a pint, which was not to become a favorite...sour beers aren't much my thing even now.  But, there was something that made up for the trip on the shelves - an imperial oatmeal stout, Chocolate Sexy.  If only I'd come across it last week!  Woulda been the perfect match for V-day.  Oh well, every beer's a match every day if you have some creativity.
It gives off a wonderful whiff of dark chocolate when the cap comes off, and the beer looks more chocolatey than licoricey, with a dark brown rather than straight black color.  Head isn't too impressive, but it does manage a covering for a while.  It's not nearly as sweet as the label might lead you to believe, it has sort of a mellow bitterness to it, with the common coffee in the background.  The flavor is subtle, there's a hint of toast and earth but just a bare hint, and while there's a presence that collects at the back of the tongue, it's less an aftertaste and more the sensation of having just swallowed sticking around.  The oatmeal might give this beer more smoothness and body than it would otherwise have, a plus in my opinion.

Supplier: Cervecissimus
Price €4

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