Wednesday, January 1, 2020


On the first day of Beermas I went and bought for me
A bird dropping beads on the street
Two turtledoves
Three Belgian roosters
Four birds calling for blood
Five rolling blings
Six geese parading
Seven mermaids bird flipping
8 breakfasts steaming

It's a little cheating to just go for milk stout for the milking part, but I think breakfast stout works out as a variation.  Also, there's a maidenly enough face on the can.  Siren Broken Dream looks a little historical and artistic with those black and white and sepia tones, like a scene from a lost 1920s movie.
You can see at the bottom of the glass that it's not quite black, just chocolatey brown.  The beige head is properly stouty, but quick to diminish.  The aroma is somewhat sweet, with a tweak of coffee.  While sweet at first sip, the coffee comes sliding out quickly, with a mocha smoothness that does, indeed, say good morning.  There's something of a Starbuck's Frappuccino in there.  The chocolate builds up a little, making it more of a mocha beer than a coffee beer, but then we do like our breakfasts to be sweet.  As we're in the middle of the Christmas season, it's fitting that I also feel like I'm getting a whiff of cinnamon.  There's no spice in the flavor, however, which doesn't mean it's a boring beer; I don't know what dreams were broken for this stout, but I am perfectly happy to wake up to something like this.

Supplier: La Buena Cerveza
Price: €3.99

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