Saturday, January 25, 2020

a message for the weather

Walking into La Buena Cerveza on a rainy day can cheer your heart - as long as you're hoping to see walls of bottles and cans just waiting for you.  And I certainly was.  It looks like the distributors have finally done their job.  The problem then is to pick out just a couple to take home, there are so many flavors and so many interesting labels and suggestive names.  I might be a little stuck in my ways when it comes to breweries though, since I keep coming back to the ones I know as much as possible, like Basqueland.  This time it's I Thought We Were Friends Imperial Stout.  I hope that doesn't mean I'll actually be disappointed in it...
It feels pretty thick just pouring out, although I don't get a very abundant head.  It's a nice little beige topper, hangs around for a good amount of time.  It has that sweet kind of stout smell, so I would expect a heavier feel to a lighter one.  It starts with a light fruitiness, that sort of plum some dark beers can have, but quickly descends to a syrupier coffee.  It's not quite bitter, but something close to it.  The sweetness doesn't start out at a high level.  There's almost a fluffiness to the body, like a whipped cream of a beer.  And it's not even a milk stout.  It's certainly warming and uplifting on a rainy day, a chilly day, even a sunny afternoon under some shade.  I'm just guessing at the last one, but I'm sure it'd be true for me.

Supplier: La Buena Cerveza
Price: €5.93

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