Saturday, November 26, 2016

new beer in the old town

Think global, act local, isn't that the saying?  Buying local is part of that, I guess.  Fortunately, when it comes to beer, the choices are numerous.  One of those choices is Cibeles, not only quality, but also quantity beers, having produced a number of varieties over the past few years.  Viejo Madrid is one I had not seen before, so I couldn't resist.  I notice the label is also in English, and not really a translation.  They have been exporting to the US for a couple of years, so they're either prepared or have gotten used to a bilingual theme.  And the English part is much more...commercial.
"Madrid excellent water", as opposed to, say, London excellent water?
For some reason I expected a darker beer than I got in my glass, maybe because of the brownish label, or because of the slightly sweet smell.  It reminds me a little of a bock in aroma.  The color is golden and standard beer, though.  The taste is apple-y and just a little tart, although I feel like it could become syrupy if left to warm up too much.  This "traditionally" crafted beer is a fine drink, flavorful, bright and happy, and a pick-me-up on a rainy evening.  Much better than certain other beers that claim seniority around here.

Supplier: La Buena Cerveza
Price: €2.66

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