Tuesday, January 5, 2021

eleven grinches grabbing

On the eleventh day of Beermas I went and bought for me

Eleven alarms peeping 

Ten lords a-leering 

Nine sinfully good black beers 

Eight lizards leaking

Seven feathered friends a-fluttering

Six phoenixes rising

Five photographic plates

Four flying saucers

Three sunny toucans

Two dogs in costume

And a lone eagle flying free

Ah, the end comes so quickly sometimes.  Yet another Beermas nearly past.  I had some difficulty finding musical beers, as you might have noticed, but at least this one is amusing: The Greench Stole X-mas.  This DDH Double IPA from Uiltje has one of their eye-catching labels and odd but somehow fitting names.  What's so fitting about the Grinch, er Greench, and pipers you ask?  Well, ever set off a burglar alarm?  That's some set of pipes, albeit electronic ones.

The aroma is immediate and piney.  It's a pretty light looking beer, sort of a dark yellow.  Perhaps on the bubbly rather than the heady side.  It's a juicy sip, a blend of citrus and beeriness, a lot like a NEIPA.  There are hints of tropical fruits in there too, so it's a modern IPA all the way.  While clean and smooth drinking, there's a heft to it that leaves you knowing you have a real beer in your glass.  There is a little bit of build-up of bitter as you drink, keeping the back up your tongue from getting to complacent and letting the Grinch sneak in.  Although for the life of me I don't know what the Grinch would want down anybody's gullet.  I don't think Whos are personifications of gut fauna.

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