Wednesday, December 25, 2019


On the first day of Beermas I went and bought for me
A bird dropping beads on the street

You know, you would think those Belgian lambics would include a pear version, but if they do it doesn't make it to Spain.  That leaves me with pear cider (which I've already done and haven't found more examples of that either) and playing with the birds.  La Pirata's Viakrucis features a crow on the label, not a partridge, and not in a tree, but it is a bird dammit!  Also, you can imagine the prayer beads are tiny pears.  And prayer rhymes with pear!  So there!
It's a tempting ale looking thing in the glass, with a slightly orangish golden color and a fluffy resistant head.  If you stick your nose right in, the craft ale aroma bubbles up to you, but it's not one of those that really spreads its scent around when opened.  It attacks with bitter at first, then falling back to a more rough and rustic graininess.  The citrus of the aroma is really nowhere in the flavor, it's much more of an old style ale than a modern craft with the US influence.  It's demanding and undismissable.  This is no beer to just suck down in the middle of a night out, this is something to really chew on.  It might be nice to chew on something else as well, say a mild cheese, a little toast with a thin spread of braunchschweiger maybe.  I don't think I'd want anything very salty enhancing the taste a lot, or something sweet that would clash.

Supplier: Birra y Paz
Price: €3.40

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