Saturday, August 31, 2019

what do you expect anymore

Oh, beautiful chaos!  If there's something noticeable about the world today, it's probably that.  Of course not everybody thinks it's beautiful, although this double IPA from Jakobsland would be hard to say no to.  It's a Galician beer, so they might know something about chaotic weather, which is one thing that is certainly happening (even in Madrid!).
There's a strong hoppy aroma immediately after popping the tab, a little musky and enticing.  It's a nice sunny color, pale white head, goes down pretty fast but maintains a nice little ring just on top.  Sweet citrus comes out right away in scent, although the flavor is more balanced with bitter and even a little savory.  There's a kind of roughness in the aftertaste, giving the beer a hardy and wild feel.  It's a bit strong in fruitiness, a little bit of a tropical fruit salad in fact, but that's a good summer drink right there.  It might seem a little heavy for a quiet drink around the pool or on the beach, unless you're used to some heavy lifting with your glass.  In spite of the heaviness it really is a bright and happy beer, ready to light up your afternoon or evening.  I wouldn't even miss snacks with this one, it's a good flavor all on its own.

Supplier: Cerevisia
Price: €4.10

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