Thursday, July 4, 2019

from a quiet corner

It seems like I have to look harder and harder to find American craft beers.  I suppose it has as much to do with the quality that Spanish breweries are producing now as with tariffs on either side.  This is a day when it makes sense to have some patriotic beverage, though, so I made that little effort.  My reward?  Untitled Art, of Wisconsin of all places, and a Chocolate Scotch Ale.  That's what I'm talking about!
Beer towel's back!
It kind of pours like a root beer, with a thick beige head that just sits on top.  Doesn't smell much like root beer, though, definitely a stronger thing.  It is sweet, Scotch ales are like that.  I don't know if I smell chocolate off it.  There is something in the flavor that reminds me of Hershey's syrup.  It's a quick strike of sweet and then a weird kind of tanginess that sits in the mouth for a while.  It's really a light feeling beer for being of this sweetened type. 

It would be nice if this was a fine drink that I record and don't necessarily remember later as opposed to the beer I had on the first day of the Empire.  All we can do is wait until the end, I guess.

Supplier: La Buena Pinta
Price: €5.80

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