Saturday, December 31, 2016

Beermas Day 7

On the seventh day of Beermas I poured out for me
Seven spicy mockswans
Six stones a-hanging
Five golden caps
Four calling birds
Three speckled hens
Two flightless non-doves
And a pear cider fresh from the tree
Yeah, I know it's not a swan really, but it kind of looks like one, doesn't it?  Any excuse for a good stout.  This one is special too, very festive with all those spices added to it.  It reminds me of The Mayan, which I quite enjoyed at l'Europe some time ago.  Tempest has made appearances before, but I don't remember seeing this particular beauty.  I suppose it was waiting for the right time.  Mexicake is just the thing to ring in a new year.  It recommends serving at room temperature, but I did chill it a little before opening it up.  It's not like I'm going to drink it in one gulp, so I'll get a development of flavors as it warms up.
The smell is oddly delicately sweet, without a lot of spice or chocolate smokiness.  I think I can convince myself that I smell the chili, but I might be imagining things in anticipation.  It certainly looks right, maybe a little light in the head.  The taste is very chocolatey, almost like pudding, and the chilies don't come out until the beer is practically in your stomach.  Even then, they're not spicy exactly, but they give a little kick and dissolve into bitter.  It's probably the cinnamon that I'm picking up more than the chilies.  The vanilla starts to make itself known after a couple of sips, but it comes out swinging, beating back the chocolate easily.  The chili is sort of ghostly, drifting in not even as an aftertaste, but as a kind of delayed reaction.  A little tingle builds on the lips with continued sipping, although the beer itself remains sweetish and smooth.  It's a powerful beer, one which pleases me greatly, but it might be a little much for a casual night out with friends.  For a tasting, fantastic, something a little different and memorable without a doubt.  May all our new year's beers be half as good.

Supplier: Espuma
Price: €5.50

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