Thursday, March 17, 2016

now that's my beer

Arrogant bastard that I am, I thought I could just breeze in somewhere and pick up an Irish beer for St. Patrick's Day, but of course it was not to be.  I guess I could have gone industrial at the supermarket, but that felt a little too much like giving up.  Arrogant Bastard at least gave me comfort that I'm not the only one to enjoy my bastardy bastardness.  It's from California, but we kind of celebrate louder than the Irish on their patron's day anyway.  If it were whisky barrel aged it would be even better, but I guess bastards can't be choosers.
Whaddaya lookin'at?
This attitude is disturbingly familiar and comfortable
There's a hopeful whiff of porter-like sweetness, but that must be from the bourbon.  It's a nice dark ale though, with a toasty brown color and beige-ish head.  I'm pleasantly surprised to find it isn't very sweet, in fact - really it's a woodier and more bitter flavor, more fitting for typical ales.  Just at the end of the swallow, there is a peep of high alcohol sweetness, but it's a quick whisper and gone.  There's a slow build up of the bourbon flavor as the glass empties, being unmistakable about a third of the way down.  It's a nice counterpoint to the ale, not being cloying or excessively fruity.  It does stick to the roof of your mouth, though.

Supplier: La Buena Cerveza
Price: €8.45


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Miss the St Patrick's day nail green color in that picture. Will you carry it on Sunday?
