Saturday, March 28, 2015

not 300 oz.

It's not often I see Greek beer adorning shelves, even in the specialty shops.  And, a little like Argentine wine almost 15 years ago, it seems like something you can pick up for not too much money and tell yourself you're helping out a struggling economy.  Interestingly, the name of the brewery is Latin, while the beer itself is Thur's Day.  Some mix of mythology there?
It comes out nice and red enough, with just a light fuzz on top.  It's sweet in smell, a little more than I might like for an ale, but still appetizing.  The taste starts out with just a touch of bitter, and a mildly sweet aftertaste comes up after.  It's a very mild, easy-drinking beer, a little soft for the ale I'm used to.  It's not a big disappointment, although it's not really a beer that stands on its own.  It would be good for a light snack on conversation, maybe a movie.  It's been a while since I've seen "Clash of the Titans".
Snack time!  Release the crackers!

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