Saturday, August 13, 2016

dice exercise #3

elephant/flower/alarm clock/fish/house/cat

Well, the parade stared out normally. The elephants were tramping slowly down the street, carrying the waving performers on their backs. Everyone was cheering and waving back, tossing the pink flowers into the street like they were supposed to.

Suddenly, there was a loud, unpleasant clanging, and the elephants started getting nervous, shaking their heads and the like. Well, the handlers got them moving off down the street again, without any big problems, but we had to go find out what was making that sound. It wasn't coming through the PA system, so it had to be from some other source.

We got called over to a nondescript house with a lot of foliage in the yard. A megaphone was (kind of) hidden in the bushes right by the front door, and under it, a ringing alarm clock. The hell? After ringing the bell and knocking for several minutes we got impatient and broke down the door. Nobody seemed to be home. The fish in the tank were well fed and happy, swimming around with gusto. We searched the house carefully, but didn't find any sign of anything odd or illegal, or in fact that anyone was ever there at all, besides the happy state of the fish.

We came back outside to a quiet street. It was definitely disconcerting. The parade not only was over, but seemed to have been over days ago, and everybody evacuated out of town. Not a sound was to be heard. We looked back at the house, now dilapidated and abandoned looking, not like the house we went into at all. The yard was completely bare of any growth beyond some scrawny grass stems, although the old gray stumps of trees and bushes still sat in circles of non-growth. A big white cat strode across the yard without giving us even a glance, but we thought, that bastard knows where he's going, and we decided to follow.

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