Saturday, October 11, 2014

of a historical nature

I've had Czech beers and their style on my mind and this one just looks the part, for some reason.  I think it might be the little red shield at the top of the label.  It's actually a hummingbird, if you're curious.

There's a slightly sweet smell that wafts out on pouring.  It's bubbly, apple-juicey in appearance, with an interesting, mild sweet flavor.  A little like apples in taste too, in fact.  Ever so slightly bitter at the beginning, mellows into sweet.  Light and refreshing, a summertime sort of beer, although fall in Madrid isn't far off the mark either.  I've had some bad experiences with Spanish pilsners; fortunately, this one is Belgian!  It's another one that's brewed under license in Belgium for a Dutch company.  Too much demand for the Dutch beers?
Can't get more classic than that

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