Saturday, October 18, 2014


 Honey brewed Scotch ale comes out very much like a good red: brilliant ruby color, beige-y head, just a tad sweeter than regular ales, due to the honey, no doubt.  The label likens it to port, and indeed there is a certain similarity in the aroma.  The sweetness comes through strongest on the first sip, followed by the light floweriness.  A touch of sour starts to come out just on the tip of the tongue with more contact with the beer, while the sweetness stays more towards the back.  Something about it invokes a wintery evening with a good book, and possibly a fireplace.  A beer for relaxing and having some quiet moments to yourself, although perhaps some pub food at a calm moment with a good friend or two would also be in its character.
Here's to no laundry today

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