Saturday, March 22, 2014

to help with a diet?

I finally made it to La Tienda de la Cerveza, months after being "invited".  There was quite a variety on the shelves, which made it hard to decide what would be the most appropriate choices.  Finally, I picked up Pink Killer, because it reminded me of a visit to a beer loving country a bit more than a year ago.
Has a collar and everything
This Belgian fruit beer has an interesting orange-pink color in the glass, and loses what little head comes out pretty quickly.  Unlike other fruit beers, the additive isn't especially sweet: pink grapefruit.  It's a choice that should play up the bitter of the beer, and in this case it really does.  There's a very light coating of sweetness on the taste, with a hint of something just a little sour.  It's kind of like some of those sourball candies.  I'm a little put off by the smell, though.  It reminds me of cleaning products.  Maybe because they all have citrus cleaning power now.

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