Saturday, March 1, 2014

nothing fishy

I was about to pick up a Harviestoun porter, but the label wasn't very nice.  Wrinkled, a little tear in the middle...shall I be so affected by appearances from now on??  I'm pretty sure Thirsty Trout Porter is not going to disappoint as a replacement, though.
It's not actually late, it's just rainy
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 Properly black, with only a smidgeon of head, it does give off an appetizing sweet smell.  The sweet and hint of bitter seem to hit at the same time, which makes for an interesting flavor experience.  It's a nice dark chocolate taste, with just a touch of smoke.  The chocolate taste becomes more and more evident, making this a fine dessert sort of beer.  Unlike many porters, it doesn't have a list of suggested foods to go with it, foods that invariably include chocolate cake and the like.  I don't know, the beer itself is chocolate dessert enough for me, although I could go for some cake later on.  When the glass is empty, say.
OK, now for real, with light and everything

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