Saturday, November 2, 2013

by name

Torquemada seemed like a good name for Halloween or Day of the Dead.  And Catalina is almost Catrina...

Extremely foamy, the head surges up while the straw colored beverage slowly rises from the bottom of the glass.  I nearly had a couple of foam floods while filling the glass, in fact.   It has a delicate smell, almost floral.  After the head dies down a little, the taste is definitely pilsner at first, but the bitterness soon gives way to something more fitting to the smell.  It's one of those unfiltered beers, so an "oops" moment at the end of the bottle will give you a little something extra, maybe a little design on the foam, like cappuccino art.  The taste and smell remain constant to the end, which is something that I always wonder about with unfiltered beers.  Actually, I don't think any of my experiences with big changes were with unfiltered beers, but seeing the particles in the liquid makes me think they should have an effect on the flavor.

A fine pick-me-up, after-work kind of beer, probably better as a counterpart to some chips or salty crackers.

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