Saturday, June 1, 2019

june's rocky start

Oh there was a surprise waiting for me at La Buena Cerveza!  A Czech beer I haven't tried before!  I've been told the Czech beers don't travel well, especially the craft ones, due to their naturalness and lack of preservatives.  So, what we get are more industrial types, which aren't even the same as the are in Czechia.  I would guess Novopacké Granát isn't the same here as it is in its homeland either.  I was kind of excited to pick up a red ale now that summer is closing in, but it is actually a dark lager.  Maybe the name is for the rocky strength of the beer.
I was expecting a ruddier brew in spite of knowing it was a lager, but it's a healthy dark brown color, rather like a watered down porter.  Head just off-white, doesn't hang around too long.  It has a slightly tangy scent, but with a helping of central European lager smell.  Not a lot of taste at first, just a little bit of roundish bittersweet, but the sweetness grows in the aftertaste.  It also develops a tang after actually leaving the mouth.  There are the odd high notes, almost citrusy, but for the most part it's a standard sweetish lager beer.  It has a pretty light feel, so in spite of the heaviness implied by the hue, it really isn't bad for a summer evening.

Supplier: La Buena Cerveza
Price: €2.40

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