Saturday, April 21, 2018

my better half

Time to visit some beer stores!  Artesana Week took up my time last week, and now I'm getting back to the roots, scuttling home to have a drink in front of my own window, with my own music in the background.  One of my newest discoveries is minutes from work, Ruta 33cl on c/ Hilarión Eslava.  Like a lot of the beer stores that first popped up, it's kind of a hole-in-the-wall, but with space in the back for tastings and other events.  The gentleman behind the counter is very helpful.  Hell, that's what you come to expect in these places by now, everybody wants to find the best beer for you.  Since I always lean towards the dark beers, those are the ones that got pointed out, some of them with delicious descriptions and uncomfortable prices.  Finally, Nickel Brook's Half Bastard Stout came with me, if anything because of the name.
It pours really nicely, somehow just sounding smooth.  It lets a little light through, but the color is mostly rich and dark.  The head is stouty beige, but quick to disappear.  There's a lightly smoky scent, very delicate, and promising of a relaxed drink.  Bitterness heads up the flavor, but it's a pleasant, coffee-like taste, leaving a hint of licorice behind.  It's rather light for a stout at 4.5%, but the feeling isn't thin or watered down by any means.  It's a calm and laid-back beer, with subtle notes of flavor instead of blaring taste trumpets.  The smoothness makes me think I would enjoy it year-round, no matter the temperature.  At the moment spring is springing, and summer is making waking noises.  But with a bastard by my side, I can get through until the fall.

Supplier: Ruta 33cl
Price: €5

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