Saturday, October 14, 2017

no snake in the grass

I was pretty sure I saw a notice that La Birratorium was changing locations a couple of months ago, but when I went to sift through my email to find it, I couldn't.  Maybe I just dreamed it, I have vivid dreams sometimes.  But no, it was real, and they've moved.  A little closer to my house in fact.  Their stock is still sitting proudly on its wooden shelves, gathered by origin, so if you're looking for that perfect Norwegian beer, this is where to find it easily.  After a little wandering around I finally decided on Lord Cobra, an IPA by Freaks Brewing.  They seem to imply that the snake is the result of some experiment done by a shadowy government: "Son of ambition and colonialism, through his cold blood runs the scent of liberty and the poison of empire.  The aristocracy taught him to attack without losing control, fierce but always elegant."
Opening the bottle releases a sharp but sweet scent, reminding me a little bit of ginger ale.  It's rather a darker color than that, though, more of a rosy orange.  Also, once in the glass the aroma is much stronger in the citrus range.  Although a bit bitter, the sweetness of a fresh mandarin overrides it.  It's a simple, fruity taste, very light and refreshing.  I was expecting something with more...bite, I guess.  It's not a disappointment, but not as weighty for my personal taste for a cold weather beer.  It's a good thing we haven't had any cold weather for quite some time.

Supplier: La Birratorium
Price: €3.30

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