Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Beermas Day 4

On the fourth day of Beermas I poured out for me
Four calling birds
Three speckled hens
Two flightless non-doves
And a pear cider fresh from the tree
Hah!  There's no cheating at all with this one!  Look at that label and tell me that's not a calling bird!  I did hesitate a little before snatching up the orange and coffee oatmeal stout, mainly because of the orange.  Real oranges are good, orange soda is good, but orange in the vicinity of anything even remotely chocolatey puts me off.  Still, how can you resist that name?  F*ck The Christmas Tree Is On Fire!!!  That's a Christmas for the movies.  I hope it's not something the Dutch have to put up with regularly.
It has an exciting consistency, strong color, and thick head.  It looks just like a stout should look, and while there is a noticeable orange perfume, it's not as overwhelmingly citrusy as most craft IPAs.  At first I get a light milk chocolatey taste, but it's quickly overcome by bitter orange.  Yes, the orange is there, but heavily influenced by coffee.  I'm not displeased by it, as I feared I might be, in fact it is a festive little beer without making too much of the unusual citrus addition.  It's smoky like a good stout, too.  It's got something for everyone!  Well, ok, not so much for teetotalers.  I would not be upset to see a couple of these under the tree some Christmas morning.  Wait...
The what tree??
Supplier: Espuma
Price: €3.95

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