It's with trepidation that I pull Glowy's Cherry hard seltzer out of the fridge. The first one I had was no picnic to drink, good Bacchus. It's a shame, since they looked like they would be something light and refreshing for the excessive temperatures, that are actually the normal ones for Madrid right now.
Immediately there's that sulphury smell, to my anxious disgust. The appearance is the same as the other one, just a citrus soda looking thing. I think it might smell a little bit better than the mandarin-grapefruit, a little more like fruit is involved. The flavor is much, much improved over the other, with a taste that is really like cherry. Well, at least cherry flavored beverages. I'm thinking Capri Sun. There's a mild undercurrent of funk that could be the fermentation showing itself, but it's nothing like with the supposed citrus drink. If I carelessly take a whiff of the seltzer before sipping, some of that meaty sulphur comes through in the drink, but if I pay attention and smell as little as possible, it's rather nice. Alright, I guess Glowy is redeemed. Now, if only Spain would open its tastebuds to more cherry flavored drinks.
Supplier: La CervecistaPrice: €2
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