On the eighth day of Beermas I went and bought for me
Eight lizards leaking
Seven feathered friends a-fluttering
Six phoenixes rising
Five photographic plates
Four flying saucers
Three sunny toucans
Two dogs in costume
And a lone eagle flying free
It could have been a milk stout, but no, Dragon's Milk appeared like a vision in the refrigerated case. I thought maybe I had had it before, but it's not in the Beermas list, so I think I'm safe. While the days are dark and cold, it's nice to have something substantial to warm you up in the evening, and even though I really, really like my dark beers as dark beers, it's not a big deal to have something extra with them once in a while.

Looks pretty normal, very fine head over a rich brown brew. The bourbon is very clearly present, although it's not as syrupy a sweetness as some others have given off. It really tastes like a beer-bourbon cocktail - a solemn entry of bitter with a wave of candied liquor immediately after. There's some licorice/coffee buried at the bottom, that kind of oddly rises in the aftertaste. Although it's a light feeling beer, it does leave a bit of stickiness on the tongue. Not too heavy for the alcohol content, though. It's not immediately obvious that you're drinking an 11% beer, which may feel good at the time, but could be dangerous in combination with other drinks. What I would expect any dragon extract to be really.
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