I guess you can't have an Advent Beer Calendar without a Belgian beer, unless you are specifically not doing Belgian beers. When people think of Christmas ales, those are the breweries that tend to come to mind. It's not really at the top of my list, but I guess I'll accept it. Sometimes you find a surprisingly good one, and we need to keep trying things in life anyway. Dupont's Saison is something different for me.
It doesn't look bad, a nice mellow yellow and fluffy head. But, oh man, there's a farty smell coming off it. It didn't make any weird noises when I opened the bottle and it isn't expired, but this gives me pause. If I hold my nose the flavor is that typical Belgian, less sour in the aftertaste in fact, with an edge of fruity sweetness around the mildly bitter core. It has a fairly thick sensation to it too, although it's not especially cloudy. There's kind of a smokey burned off quality to the aftertaste, not very unlike Schlenkerla. I should investigate whether this brewery also makes rauchbiers or the like.
(Oops, forgot to get a picture of the beer in the glass.
The sulfur fumes must have overwhelmed me.)
Long weekend over, was I as productive as I had hoped? Of course not. Got a lot of rest though, so lots of energy for the short week.
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