Monday, August 17, 2020

blue dice #2


I had a full heart as I left Madame Guiol's that day, and a head full of dreams.  Nothing could stop me know.  The wonderous vision that would be the light of my life forever was just around the corner, although perhaps only metaphorically.  I sought the confirmation eagerly in each face I came across, but there was no recognition in my soul of any of them.  They were as ghosts, fleeting shadows that meant nothing to me.  Some appeared to look with scorn or anger as I examined them, but they were of no matter.  If they only understood, they would have blessed me for giving them the tiniest chance to be my queen, be at my side, where only the worthiest of women could sit.

I began to feel an emptiness inside.  This time it was not my weary soul, it was my worldly stomach.  Fortunately, the market was close by, for I had ambled my way through many streets.  I went immediately to the produce.  Gifts of the earth.  And it was there my angel did appear.

She did not notice me at first.  She was carefully weighing packages of mushrooms.  Oh yes, a careful woman.  That was what I needed.  One who would tend to my needs with such attention and be pleased with my accomplishments as with her own.  I cleared my throat politely.  I waited with grace and good manners for her notice.  When finally she did turn, her face filled my heart with all the joy of a thousand lives.  And yet, that joy was not reflected back at me.  My soul twisted at this, but then I realized - she was under some spell of another.  I explained that I had been promised this alliance, but she would have none of it.  The evil magic covered her eyes and made her flee from her rightful lord.  I had no fear.  I would slay any dragon to save my lady for myself.  Even a metaphorical one.

I did not pursue her, as the rash might have done.  It was promised and made by fate.  There was no need for me to act unwisely.  But act I must.  Only in calmness.  I returned home, having purchased good greens, full of iron, and good fruits, full of vitamins.  Only the healthy knight prevails.  I began to compose my songs of love even before reaching the checkout.  If there is anything that reveals the soft and squeezable matter of a woman's heart and soul, it is a fine love song.  So yes, a song I must have for her.

She would be mine as it was promised.

The dragon at the doors blew a useless puff of smoke at me as I passed.  He might be easier to defeat than I had thought.

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