Sunday, December 29, 2019


On the first day of Beermas I went and bought for me
A bird dropping beads on the street
Two turtledoves
Three Belgian roosters
Four birds calling for blood
Five rolling blings

Yeah, it's a pearl not gold.  I'm cheating a little to make the song connection obvious.  Marston's Pearl Jet stout isn't quite the golden color the song might call for either, but a shiny pearl might be more attractive to some than a plain old ring.  The delivery crow also goes with the featheriness of the lyrics.
Dark brown, light beige head, mildly sweet but stouty aroma.  The flavor isn't very strong, but it has that bitter touch that makes a stout special.  The aftertaste has a little bit of licorice, perhaps, but also very mild.  It starts out on the thin side, but somehow it gains some stickiness and weight over time.  For the most part, though, it's a light and easy beer, only 4.5%.  One could easily take in several pints of this on a chilly English December night, waiting for crows to shower us with riches.

Supplier: Cervecissimus
Price: €3.70

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