Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Fisk a Stranger's Comment - On the Woman-Caused Apocalypse

  1. I find that you are all out of your elements here; you might say that this isn’t going to happen, that it’s all a grand lie of some sort, but mark my words, it’s going to happen. People thought Galileo was wrong too; do you want to go there?
    People thought Galileo was wrong because all the methods of confirming reality at the time showed him to be wrong.  He had some stunningly innovative ideas, but he couldn't actually prove them at the time.
    Personally, my calculations have lead me to believe that women are going to be responsible for the dissolution of western civilization for at least several reasons:
    1. Women have an innate desire to bond with strong men in order to provide for their families, 
    "Innate"?  Not taught over the years?  And reinforced with the fact that women are simply not given the same economic opportunities as men in general?
    but in modern democratic societies they can use their votes to take money from those that are well-off in order to provide for themselves and their multiple offspring from multiple men.
    Are you saying that every woman with more than one child has been seeking a variety of contributions to her gene pool?  Aren't you lovely?  Besides that, women who are actually in the position of being the mothers of children from different fathers are not in a position to vote for money to come to them in many cases.
     Giving the vote to women was one of western civilization’s biggest mistakes, next to ditching monarchy in favor democracy because it allows those who don’t contribute society to take the resources of others by standing in a line and pulling a lever. 
    Assuming democracy has even granted them the vote to begin with, and that they choose to exercise their right.
    Women are the worst at thinking only in the short term, and this, combined with their innate need to be protected by and fed by a strong man, will cause them to steal resources from the propertied classes via voting. Eventually, they will run out of resources and cause economic and infrastructural collapse
    Uh, this will happen anyway, since every single human being on the planet uses resources without thinking that much about their provenance or future, woman or not.
    2. Women only think in the short term,
    Wait, I thought we were the worst at that!  Now it's the only thing we do?
     rarely do they ever think ahead and this is evidenced by the fact that they sleep with men who abandon them and their children all the time, and then use the state alpha male apparatus to swipe up taxes to feed themselves and their deprived children.
    It's amazing what sexual desire can do to you.  It's almost like we should teach people that sex isn't that important or give them options to avoid pregnancies or something.
     Because women only think in the short term, they will often purchase various goods that they don’t need, and will in doing so contribute to environmental devastation.
    Waaaaaaait a minute, that's just capitalism!  Now you have a problem with capitalism?
     The planet cannot produce resources at a rate fast enough to satisfy the needs of women. 
    Because, of course, men don't use any resources at all. 
    Their failure to think ahead will ensure that they vote for tyrants and support political orders which will ensure short term gains in favor of long term gains.
    But everybody acts like that these days.  Politicians especially, only thinking to the next election.
    3. Women have a desire to breed with men who show traits of classical masculinity,
    Those traits would be what exactly? 
     and will thus breed with societies which give birth to more primitive men; 
    So classically masculine men are Neanderthals or Cro-Magnons? 
    they will support rampant immigration (again, they can’t think ahead and they think that the government can pay for the upkeep of everyone, immigrants included), which will bring men who do not share western values into the west. The immigrants, legal or not, shall be given the right to vote (most likely by women, who will want more of them) 
    Or by the society of individual rights that they want to join because that's how it works. 
    and they will use their right to vote to support the entry of more immigrants into their society.
    To form a community since you won't let them into yours. 
    These men will refuse to integrate into our society, 
    They might refuse, but you also refuse to make a place for them.  It works two ways, bucko. 
    and with their hatred of all things western and their unenlightened views, they will cause strife in the west and bring our society to its knees.
    Don't you wish.

    You’re gonna wish you listened to common sense when all of this “progress” of yours has dragged society off a cliff.

    Too bad there's not much common sense here to listen to, just lunatic ravings and paranoia.  If society really goes off a cliff, I wonder who will really be to blame for that?

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