Craft beers do have a way of creating memorable names and labels. I can't help but pick them up, even the silly ones. Or is it especially the silly ones? Full English Breakfast Ale looks to be at least something you don't have everyday. It lists tea and beans among the ingredients, which might make some people pause, but at this point, I say why not? There's a rather complete suggestion label on the back, urging the buyer to drink up if the bottle contains an ale, but saying a stout or barleywine would be fine hanging around for a while. Since this is an ale, I better get to it.
You can ask how many sips to the bottom of the glass, but he won't tell you |
The first whiff is all ale, sharp and slightly citrusy. The beer has an orange tint and a rather fluffy head, very resistant. It starts out quite bitter, much like the majority of craft IPAs, but there's an undercurrent of sweetness with a floral touch. I wait expectantly for more of the breakfast to make its appearance, and maybe the tea contributes to the bitterness while the marmalade is responsible for the following sweetness. The beans are probably too subtle to notice, being eating beans and not coffee beans. A pleasant beer, although I expected a little bit more extravagance. Can't have everything I guess, and I never have heavy breakfasts anyway.
Supplier: The Beer Garden
Price: €4
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